Mornington Peninsula Wedding Photographer – Point Nepean by James Harvie Photography
Point Nepean
Mornington Peninsula Wedding Photographer James Harvie ventures down to Point Nepean National Park.
I’ve just come back from photographing a wonderful wedding at Point Nepean National Park. In typical spring fashion we had rain, sunshine, misty rain, and all repeated over again. But the light was just superb. Very soft which perfectly highlighted my client Jae and Matt.
Jae and Matt both got ready in the same home so this made things quite easy. Simply put the boys were down stairs and the girls up stairs. In typical fashion I try to keep my work pretty low key and relaxed. There is always tension in the getting ready stages so the last thing my client would want is a nervous photographer. So I begin by quietly going about my business capturing all those small details that help bring the day together. In fact I spend quite a bit of time on the detail shots. Some shots are taken using a Macro which makes the rings really pop.
The details always look good in a wedding album. In fact the detail shots help convey the story. I mean many might argue that an album is rarely looked at but that’s the wonderful thing about an album. It’s not a magazine or book which gets left lying around. The album is something which increases in sentimental value over time and can be handed down through generations.
So once the detail shots are completed I moved into the people shots. The boys I like to photograph casually and also mix up with some formal shots.
As I move up stairs you can feel the tension mounting. But today I am lucky my bride Jae is relatively relaxed which makes things easier. I can tell you now if you panic and try to make everything perfect on your wedding day chances are you won’t remember a thing. It will be like a whirlwind. But remember you will have wonderful images to remember things by ( that’s if you choose James Harvie Photography he he he).
After bride and grooms home I scoot off to the ceremony with a half hour window to assess lighting, chat to Kat Sillars ( the wonderful celebrant ) and determine where I will take the group pics. The conditions are perfect. We have lovely soft light but there is a hint of dark cloud brooding on the horizon.
Guests begin to arrive and then the wait for our gorgeous bride who arrives in a gleaming white BMW. Yes I do like my cars.
With guests assembled the ceremony begins. Some tears and some laughter by all. Kat conveys some wonderful wedding stories.
I look to the sky and all is holding together. Before we know it the kiss and much applause. I manage to capture some good emotional shots of Jae and Matt being congratulated as they make their way towards their guests.
The group shots begin and then bingo the rain comes. Guests run for cover under trees and the odd umbrella. Within 5 mins the rain is gone and we all manage to get on with family pics.
For the location shoot we decide to use the gorgeous beach. The air is so still and the water calm. No sound of traffic here out at Point Nepean. Years ago you could not shoot a wedding here. In fact I am really digging this location. After about 45 mins we head off to All Smiles and Sorrento back beach for some more quick shots. I think my wedding couple are tiring from my photography enthusiasm so I give in and they manage to slip away for some drinks and nibbles. All Smiles do such a top job. I just love the smoked salmon they present. It is delish.
With daylight saving just kicking in we need to wait until around 7 pm to achieve some nice ambient late afternoon light. Conditions just turn perfect and I manage to deliver some stunning sunset pics.
As I drive home I feel pretty tired but happy I have achieved some wonderful images. And I can’t wait to edit them.
Special thanks to all the wonderful suppliers which helped make this a wonderful wedding. I’ve listed them below:
Michelle O’Connel Hair and Make up