Mornington Peninsula Wedding Photographer
Lindenderry 1
Mornington Peninsula Wedding Photographer James Harvie showcases yet another wedding at one of Mornington Peninsula’s most exclusive wedding venues Lindenderry.
Every time I photograph at Lindenderry I am just blown away by how amazing this venue is. As soon as you pull into the long driveway you can just feel the beauty and tranquillity.
Not many Mornington Peninsula wedding venues offer a place with such opulent accommodation for your guests. Now this is perfect if guests come from Melbourne and interstate and it also means they don’t have to worry about driving home. So Lindenderry ticks the boxes there.
A stunning long pathway allows every bride to take her time walking down to the ceremony. As a photographer it also allows me plenty of time to grab those cute nervous smirks between father and daughter.
It’s important to have good space to move around your wedding client during the ceremony without getting in the way of guests. Lindenderry offers plenty of ceremony space. The scenery around is also very green with wonderful vines and right after the big event it’s wonderful to set my big group shot right from the middle of the pathway. This way I get all the elements in my shot nice and uniform offering brilliant composition.
Now on the subject of composition. Gorgeous wedding images don’t just happen. Having shot weddings since 2001 I am a strong believer in presenting images which are simplistic, timeless and show real emotion. Sure I will pose my couples but I try to work in a non obtrusive manner. Humour also is a great element to include in my photography because that way you get your couple to really giggle and show some wonderful timeless expressions.
Lindenderry has no shortage of Mornington Peninsula wedding photography locations. The most obvious is the grape vines, but there is also the driveway as you enter the property. Probably my favourite area to photography at Mornington Peninsulas Lindenderry is the pathway leading down towards the lake. Here I like to use a long zoom lens around 200mm shooting close to F2.8 ( don’t worry if this camera talk is all too complex ) and that way I can deliver perfect shallow depth of field ( yes that’s the blurred out background of an image ) which lends itself to dam fine composition.
Beyond the pathway there is the lake and the nice uniform Silver Birch trees. These all provide the perfect backdrop for fine art wedding imagery.
Often whilst our location wedding photography shoot is on at Lindenderry the guests mingle in the small courtyard. This is an ideal time to put the long zoom lens to action again and capture the laughter, smirks and goings on.
All in all I have to say Lindenderry is one of my favourite Mornington Peninsula wedding venues and is definitely worth a peek in your search for the perfect wedding venue.